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U Mostaru je Bruce Lee postao simbol borbe protiv koronavirusa

Kći kung fu legende, Shannon Lee je na Instagram profilu podsjetila na njegove riječi.
10.04.2020. u 08:45
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 “A good martial artist does not become tense, but ready!” as this Bruce Lee statue is pictured here dressed in the appropriate battle gear for COVID-19. I am humbled by the people of BiH who first installed this statue of my father as a symbol of ethnic unity and now have made it a role model of protection against coronavirus, saying, "He (Bruce Lee) was the embodiment of fairness, fight for the justice, protection of the weak and the loyalty to a friend and a teacher." Nino Raspudic, one of the Urban movement leaders, explained that the idea was to offer a better role model for the community. Now if only the nunchucks worked in the fight against COVID!! Thank you, Nino and the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina! Stay safe out there, everyone! xShannon . #BruceLee #BiH #BruceLeeStatue

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Instragram stranica posvećena kung fu borcu Bruceu Leeju objavila je fotografiju njegove statue iz Mostara opremljene zaštitnom maskom i rukavicama, poručujući da je legenda tako ponovno postala simbol borbe, ovaj put protiv koronavirusa.

U središnjem mostarskom parku Zrinjevcu na brončanoj statui Brucea Leeja od prije nekoliko dana postavljene su ružičaste rukavice i zelena maska za lice.

Foto: / Bruce Lee u Mostaru dobio 'komplet' za zaštitu od korona virusa

Kći kung fu legende, Shannon Lee je na Instagram profilu podsjetila na njegove riječi.

"Dobar umjetnik borbe nije napet, nego spreman", kao što je ova statua Brucea Leeja koja je opremljena odgovarajućom opremom za borbu protiv covida-19. Dirnuta sam ljudima u BiH koji su prvi postavili statuu moga oca kao simbol etničkog ujedinjenja, a sada su je učinili primjerom borbe protiv koronavirusa", napisala je Shannon Lee.

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